Getenet Feleke
Mafikeng-South Africa | born in Selale - Ethiopia
Astronomy Education Content
Getinet Feleke was born and grew up in Selale (Fitche). He studied his BSc (Physics) and MSc (Astrophysics) at Addis Ababa University (Ethiopia). Then he joined the National Astrophysics and Space Science Program (NASSP) at University of Cape Town (South Africa).
After finishing the course work, he did the research part (MSc) at North-West University (South Africa) on an observational project (Multi colour Photometry) on pulsating Pre-main Sequence (PMS) stars using the 0.5-m telescope at South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO).
He then continued his Ph.D. on observational project (Spectroscopy) on the same group of stars using the 1.9-m telescope at SAAO for his project work. He extended his Ph.D. project on space based data from Kepler space telescope and currently his main Ph.D. project focuses on identification of spectroscopic binary stars and also on determination of their orbital parameters like eccentricity, orbital period, etc from the data taken by this spacecraft. He is hoping to finish his Ph.D. soon this year (2016).
He is also a permanent employee of Kotebe University and adjunct staff at Entoto Observatory (EO) in Ethiopia